qualified ECE teachers (Kaiako) and unqualified ECE relievers
Category Teaching Jobs
Seeking qualified ECE teachers (Kaiako) and unqualified ECE relievers Relievers needed My Treehut is seeking passionate, peaceful and playful teachers who will uphold our excellent standards. This position is based in Taupo and is an opportunity to become part of our My Treehut and Cubby relievers list. My Treehut is a privately owned centre for children aged 1 to 5 years, and our philosophy is based on nature and whnaungatanga.
We are proud that we have 15% male Kaiako at My Treehut and we encourage and support male involvement in ECE. We can only consider applications from people holding a NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Please send your CV and cover letter to Kirsty Darvill kirstymytreehut.
co.nz If this sounds like you please contact Kirsty Darvill: e: kirstymytreehut.co.